About National Historical Museums

National Historical Museums (SHM) in Sweden is an agency comprising the Archaeologists, the Hallwyl House, The Swedish History Museum, the Royal Coin Cabinet, The Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and Tumba Papermill Museum. The agency administers culture heritage and provides a perspective on our existence in order to strengthen the democratic development of society.

For more information about the agency, read on http://shm.se

For more information about the Archaeologists, read on http://arkeologerna.com

For more information about the Hallwyl House, read on http://hallwylskamuseet.se

For more information about the Swedish History Museum, read on http://historiska.se

For more information about the Royal Coin Cabinet, read on http://www.myntkabinettet.se

For more information about the Royal Armoury, read on http://livrustkammaren.se

For more information about Skokloster Castle, read on http://skoklostersslott.se

For more information about Tumba Papermill Museum, read on http://www.tumbabruksmuseum.se